I am currently working on upgrading the site from Joomla 2.5 to Joomla 3.3.6.

Main reasons are:

  1. Make it Responsive
  2. Giving it a new look
  3. Taking advantage of Font Awesome icons
  4. Include Facebook icons
  5. Add a Blog

Problems encountered:

The main issue I faced was that the original site used Joomfish to render it multilingual.  Joomfish is no more supported and does not work with Joomla 3.x.

I created a test site and used Falang to make it bilingual.  It worked fine, problem is; there is no esay way to convert from Joomfish to Falang.  Neither uses the native Joomla capabilities and each has a different set of tables!  After some research on the forums (and some advices) I decided to start from scratch with Joomla 3.3.6.

I installed Joomla 3.3.6 on a different folder in the server and created the categories, menus, articles and modules in both languages.  It is a very tenious and time comsuming process!  Despite the fact that I did a lot of cut and paste.

I started with one of Joomla's native template knowing full well that it would not do what I wanted, but at least I got the content in.

Next I started looking for a Template that would work in Joomla 3.x and be Responsive.  This is also quite an adventure.  I finally settled for a template from FAVTHEMES called Favourite.  After a few trials and some twicking I managed to get the look I want.